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Gym Foundations

    Where you can learn the essential building blocks of fitness and the gym. Our experienced trainers will carefully guide you through every major joint, ensuring that it moves properly, has a full range of motion, and is stable. Once we have covered the basics, we will introduce you to the foundational movements of the gym and life: Squat, Hinge, Lunge, Push, Pull, Press, and Carry. 

Pain Management

Do you hurt? Back, Knees, Neck, Shoulders? We alongside our partner Andolina Chiropractic assess you and your current body wellness. Through that assessment we build a program that will start moving you back to normal body functions (without pain).


Addressing current habits (identifying triggers) and finding workarounds that are pain free

Building mobility and stability not only in the afflicted area(s) but for the entire body

Developing a Brace (the act of stabilizing both your trunk and spine to load it safely)

Proper movement patterns


Through this process many aches and pains can be managed and made better. A mobile, stable, and strong body is a resilient body that is less prone to break.

Youth Development

Athletes' formative years are crucial for building a strong foundation for their sporting career. There are two primary training styles for athletes: sports-specific training, which focuses on practicing the sport itself (e.g. baseball, soccer), and general physical training, which aims to increase the body's workload and output in terms of strength, speed, endurance, coordination, agility, mobility, and stability.


It's important to note that an athlete's training level is limited by their general physical level. Many athletes tend to overtrain in sports-specific areas, which can result in a lack of preparedness in general physical fitness. Developing a well-rounded athleticism during their younger years is a critical springboard for success in later stages of their career, such as junior and senior level competitions or college sports. Start building a better foundation for your athletic career today


Powerlifting is a strength sport that revolves around three main lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. Whether you're new to the sport or an intermediate lifter, Coach Vinny can help you perfect your form and build confidence in your movements. We'll assess your form and address any foundational issues to ensure that you're lifting safely and effectively. Additionally, we'll create a custom training program tailored to your abilities, experience, and goals. Remember, proper programming and preparation are essential for success in any lifting program.

Comp prep- The Lifters Guild can assist you in preparing for your first or upcoming powerlifting competition. We provide step-by-step guidance on how to plan your programming and prepare yourself for the event. With our help, you will have a clear understanding of what to expect and how to perform well on stage. This will increase your chances of success.




Vinny is a highly experienced and confident personal trainer with over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. As an Air Force veteran, he has developed a focus on powerlifting, gym foundations, pain management and youth development. Vinny's expertise in powerlifting is unparalleled, and he provides top-notch training and coaching to his clients to improve their strength, endurance and overall fitness. He has a deep understanding of gym foundations and ensures that his clients learn the proper techniques and form to prevent injury and maximize results. Vinny is also highly skilled in pain management, providing his clients with the necessary tools and techniques to manage and alleviate chronic pain. Finally, his focus on youth development sets him apart as an excellent choice for parents looking to help their children develop healthy habits and a love for fitness. Vinny's approachable and friendly personality, combined with his extensive knowledge and experience, makes him a great fit for anyone looking to achieve their fitness goals.

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